The Twenty-Sided Tavern is a liveplay production that’s been running in New York these past few months…but that’s about to change. The crew is going to kiss the Big Apple goodbye soon in favor of a nationwide tour…but before then, they’re holding a blowout in their original home with a new special guest every week.
This week, that guest is Travis McElroy, who’s appeared on The Adventure Zone and My Brother, My Brother and Me. playing the role of “The Trickster. But in the coming weeks, the Tavern will also play host to…
Officially licensed by Wizards of the Coast, The Twenty-Sided Tavern is a liveplay D&D campaign that’s truly live: each member of the audience loads a browser-based app called Gamiotics that allows them to vote on which way the story will go next. They vote on what characters appear, what they encounter, and what incidents befall them. There are even moments when members of the audience are invited upstage to participate in games like trivia, charades, and Fantasy Beer Pong.
The U.S. National Tour for Dungeons & Dragons: The Twenty-Sided Tavern will launch May 2025 with the full list of tour cities to be announced at a later time. But if you live in the NYC area you can still get tickets for the final shows through May 11, 2025, at,, or by calling 800-447-7400.