I LIVEEEE!! (If you know where this line is, I love you but if not, then dishonor you and dishonor on your cow) I am finally back to watching Kdramas and I can not wait to catch up on all the dramas that I’ve missed. I’ll be posting a life update blog soon since a lot has happened to me in a couple of months but enough about that and let’s talk about this drama. I seriously have no plans of watching anything since I can’t stay up that late anymore but my sister and I decided to just watch this for the sake of watching it and to our surprise, we loved it! LOL. I’ll talk more about this drama in my review post but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy our (me and my sister’s) favourite moments from Mr. Queen.
1.Unexpected Kiss
2. Reunion Kiss
3. Can’t let the Queens win
4. Penpals
5. Let Out Those Frustrations
6. His Last Letter
7. Kim Jung Hyun’s Favourite Line
You’ll probably get this one if you’ve seen some of his interviews. hihi
8. Queen’s Dictionary
9. Forgetting “NO TOUCH”
10. 오늘부터 1일 이다.(1st Day)
If you’re unable to play some of the videos, VPN works fine.
Credits to tvN Drama, Viu Philippines and Viki Global TV
Again, I DO NOT OWN any of the videos in this post.
If you’re taking the photo, kindly credit @haeitsgee or seoulfulangel, Thanks!