SUMMARY: No, you’re not dreaming. Yes, I know you’re old and I haven’t aged. But I really am who I say I am!
In “The Best Hit”, the year is 1993, and K-pop was in its early stages, and the music genre was beginning to gain traction. Yoo Hyun-jae was making his mark as a pop star and then … one day … he vanished. Nobody knew what to think. Did he die? Did he run away? There’s no trace of him. He had a pager but he can’t be reached. A pager? Uuhhh … yeah. It’s 1993. Or rather … it was 1993.
Fast forward to 2017. Wait! How did I get here? Let’s try to backtrack.
OK! That much Yoo Hyun-jae can recall. Then he heard someone say there were reporters in the hospital and tried to sneak out! Well, because he’s famous! The reporters must be there for him. Right? WRONG!
Yoo Hyun-jae didn’t get it. Nobody recognized him. WHY? He left the hospital, went out into the wonderful world, and … everything looked different. The only thing that looked familiar was the pager he had in his pocket. Eventually, he realized that he had somehow managed to travel 20 years into the future.
He was no longer about to be a famous K-pop idol. Instead, the story about him was that one day Yoo Hyun-jae just disappeared. They never found a body but most people think he died. BUT HE DIDN’T DIE! He’s alive and he needs to get to the people he knows.
It’s a small world. You know those people who almost hit him with a car? It turned out that one of them was his son. A lot happened in 20 years. He doesn’t even know he has a son. The place where he used to live? His son lives there now. In fact, the important people he knew, who think he died, all live in the same place.
Oh yeah. His life story gets better. Although, it gets worse first. LOL.
My personal rating is the same as the Viki viewers.
“The Best Hit” is just PLAIN OLD FUN!! I am kind of disappointed because I was searching for a K-drama with Cha Eun Woo. He does have a role but it’s support and I didn’t get to see his gorgeous face that much. But it’s OK. The other male actors were cute too! LOL.
One more thing. Korean drama scriptwriters must have a special book titled “Ten Thousand and One Time Travel Plots”. They come up with a bazillion different ways to go through a time portal.
The Best Hit (2017) | DramaPanda
Kdrama The Best Hit Review | The Desi Dragoness Diaries
Viki Global TV. “THE BEST HIT – OFFICIAL TRAILER.” YouTube, 7 Feb. 2020,