Friendly Rivalry (1-4): Finally found some decent subs that aren’t just AI translated. Hyeri & Jung Soo-bin have crazy good chemistry here. It’s incredibly hard to actually get a read on Je-yi, and while her red flags may be obvious, I can’t blame Seul-gi for falling right into what may or may not be a trap, because whether intentional or not, Je-yi is incredibly good at seducing her. Also, that kiss scene was crazy. I expected it to end at the half a second lip peck, but no, we get a 25-second make-out session instead. It might’ve been a dream, but Seul-gi is certainly falling, and she’s falling fast (whether that’s a good thing remains to be seen, but it’ll certainly be a good thing to watch unfold).
Undercover High School (2-3): Episode 3 really showed what kind of ugly place this school is, and how those with power basically rule over those who don’t. Soo-ah might be the only teacher here that actually tries to do the right thing, but at the end of the day, she simply doesn’t have the power to actually change anything. Dong-min is put in an impossible position, and I honestly can’t really blame him for the decisions he makes. Even Yoo-jung is being bullied here, it’s just not the physical kind but instead a more subtle form of it. I can’t wait for Hae-sung to start taking these powerful people down, and hopefully Soo-ah finds out the truth quickly so they can start to properly work together. Also, everybody’s favorite trope is here: childhood connection!
The Witch (3-4): Honestly crazy how this drama managed to completely lose me in one episode. Whatever this drama is trying to do, I don’t think it’s working, and I think there are some serious problems in the execution. I’m hoping things improve this week, but I’m not holding my breath.
Newtopia (5): We lost 3 characters this week, but for some reason Jin-wook is still alive… Well, at least they gave Soo-jeong a weapon this week, which is good because she might be the only reason why some of these soldiers are actually still alive.
Idol: The Coup (4-8): Jenna and Jae-hyuk have a very interesting dynamic here. Technically Jae-hyuk is the one in power, but Jenna refuses to let him walk all over her. It’s not all that surprising that Jenna basically becomes his weak spot, which in turn gives more power to Jenna (& Cotton Candy). That being said, while they have excellent chemistry, I don’t want this to become an actual romance. His feelings are completely one-sided at the moment, which I think is part of the reason why this dynamic works so well, and making it a romance would ruin it, while also distracting from the actual main story of Cotton Candy. Speaking of, I’m hoping El rejoins them soon, because I do believe they’ll need her if they want to accomplish their goal.