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Sorry Not Sorry: Episode 12 (Final) » Dramabeans Kdrama recaps

AdminMarch 1, 2025

Sorry Not Sorry: Episode 12 (Final)

In the final week our female lead realizes what direction life is trying to push her in, and her friends are happy with the way things are turning out for them. Settle in, because light and fluffy is what this rom-com promised, and it delivers till the very end.


To start the week, we are transported back to Song-yi seeing the very suspicious looking scene of Hyun-woo with a mystery woman in the restaurant where he was supposed to meet Song-yi. After Song-yi dramatically throws food and a drink at Hyun-woo while screaming, we see it was all in her head as she is woken up by JG. Instead of facing things head-on, Song-yi ghosts Hyun-woo. She’s trying to protect herself from further hurt, but this method can’t last for long.

Another blow comes to Song-yi when the couple buying her house decides to split due to adultery (!), and the sale falls through. The realtor asks Song-yi if she wants to keep the deposit, as it was in the contract that the buyers forfeit it if the sale doesn’t go through. Song-yi has been in this position herself and tells the realtor to give the buyers their money back.

Song-yi is feeling more like a fish out of water when Hyun-woo goes to the cafe she works at, and she hides from him with a little help from Yi-ahn. Song-yi is upset that she’s hiding when she did nothing wrong, but when she comes out from hiding she sees Hyun-woo sitting with the same woman from the restaurant. Yi-ahn tells Song-yi to go back into the back room, and she ends up hiding again — which just upsets her more.

A bewildered Hyun-woo is walking home past the realtor’s place and sees that Song-yi’s apartment is back on the market. After finding out the sale fell through, he assumes that is why Song-yi is acting strange. Hyun-woo goes to check on her, but Eun-gyu acts like a barrier telling him Song-yi is in bed because something big happened to her today. I’m starting to feel bad for Hyun-woo, because he has no idea what is going on at this point.

At Hyun-woo’s office the next day, Song-yi is there for her job and she doesn’t understand why she’s been hiding when she did nothing wrong. Hyun-woo is inquisitive and wants to know why Song-yi has been ghosting him, but Song-yi is very cold to him and doesn’t say much. Hyun-woo assumes Song-yi is in a mood because of the house situation and he tries talking to her about keeping the deposit. However, she ends up in tears, throwing his comforting hand away, and telling him she doesn’t want the deposit she’s been in the couple’s situation before so she feels bad for them. (But to me, Song-yi is more upset about Hyun-woo than she is about her sale falling through.)

When Song-yi has calmed down, Hyun-woo tries talking to her in a very reasonable and level-headed way. (I loved this; it’s nice to see maturity when it comes to relationships in these shows.) Hyun-woo asks Song-yi outright if she’s mad at him. He says he waited a long time at the restaurant for her and was concerned when she didn’t call — he even took her some fruit on the way home. So cute. But Hyun-woo doesn’t get very far in his explanation before Song-yi blurts out that she won’t be fooled again and she hates him.

Ding ding ding! It’s a lightbulb moment for Hyun-woo. He cuts through the bullshit and realizes that she saw him with his ex-wife. (Yes, you heard me right.) Song-yi doesn’t want to listen to Hyun-woo’s explanation and he validates her feelings by saying he understands that. But he also asks if she can please listen to him. He is trying his best to talk to her because he wants to hold onto her. Swoon.

Hyun-woo explains he had been ignoring his ex-wife, and that he has no feelings for her, but she had shown up unexpectedly to ask him if he was okay with her going on Divorce Extreme, which is a reality TV show. She didn’t want to surprise him with it, and for Hyun-woo to expose her cheating to the world. Song-yi asks about Hyun-woo meeting his ex-wife at the cafe, too, and he explains that it was by coincidence: she was there to perv on Yi-ahn. It would seem that Yi-ahn is being scouted for reality TV dating shows because he’s handsome and gaining some attention for being a business owner.

On the walk home, Song-yi and Hyun-woo hold hands, and she can’t believe that’s the reason for him seeing his ex-wife. Hyun-woo asks her to just talk to him in future, he will answer anything Song-yi asks him. And aww, Hyun-woo’s little bout of insecurity about whether Song-yi thinks she made the wrong decision rejecting Yi-ahn was just too cute. We’re then treated to a little glimpse of them having a coffee together, becoming an official couple, and having their first kiss. *Happy dance*

Now to see where our other two friends have landed at the end of our show. Hana is off having her baby, but her presence is still felt. When she goes into labor, Hana’s husband leaves the twins with Chan-yang and Jin-ho. Hana’s husband encourages them to burn off the twins’ energy otherwise they won’t sleep, which they both find utterly exhausting. When the twins get upset because they miss their mum, Jin-ho sweetly tells them that their parents have gone off to meet the new baby which is a hard and amazing thing to do, so the twins should be brave for their parents as they would be sad if the twins were upset.

This pulls at Chan-yang’s heartstrings, and she tells Jin-ho he will be a great father. She’s learning more about the real Jin-ho finally, and even though it was hard, she enjoyed looking after the twins. This was adorable. (Side note: Chan-yang nearly setting the kitchen on fire whilst trying to cook made me laugh.)

As things wrap up, Song-yi prepares to bid goodbye to her sister and JG, and I think she would have felt the absence more if it wasn’t for Hyun-woo being in her life now. As Song-yi and Hyun-woo are having a cheeky tickle and kiss in the bedroom, discussing talking to each other casually and maybe moving in together, Eun-gyu and JG walk in on them. Whoops! Hyun-woo tries to hide under the duvet but JG knows he’s there lol.

Song-yi is full of questions and gets a little shrill and that’s when Hyun-woo stops her and suggests they listen to what Eun-gyu has to say. Turns out Eun-gyu wants to stay in Korea, and she admits that JG needs his family and so does she. This melts Song-yi’s irritation, and she hugs her sister. (Hyun-woo’s calming effect on Song-yi is one of my favorite things about this couple. They balance each other out in the best ways.)

Finally, we get a little roundup from our peripheral characters. Yi-ahn is on a reality TV show and his business is doing well. Head gaggle mum is back after her divorce and starting a business and meets with the other gaggle mums. We even get a glimpse of Chan-yang writing a steamy book with the help of Jin-ho. And we end our show with everyone close to Song-yi coming together for a BBQ.

Song-yi has all of her friends around her — even Hana through the phone — and she has resolved not to sell her house now. With everyone laughing and teasing our newly cutesy lead couple, Song-yi accepts that life can be hard and disappointing at times, and it may not turn out like you planned — but she will be able to overcome things and smile again. Aww, what a sweet, light show this has been, and a cute wrapup. I will miss it.


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