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Rants and Weekly Raves (RAWR) #462

AdminMarch 26, 2024

Anne: Hello Drama Lovers! Well…the year of the dragon is proving, once again, bringing challenging situations to fellow dragon year born people. Ok, I’m exaggerating, but we are only getting close to April and already have issues where I’m bleeding money to the Universe. On top of that, I feel like my intelligence is going the other way. Basically, I watched myself do the stupid thing as I’m doing it, and knowing that it was stupid, but still doing it anyway. As soon as I hit the “ok” on the change password, the little voice inside my head said…oh…you shouldn’t have done that… 

Yes, I locked myself out of my work laptop for the entire weekend.

Besides dealing with my brain spacing out in my “old” age, let’s move on to the shows that I’ve watched these past weeks.

In Blossom

I’m all caught up to episode 16 and the love triangle, which, is almost a square, is making everyone antsy. The last “case” with Gu Shan, that was pretty ok. The show made an effort to demonstrate that bad people can be kind to those they love and good people can do very bad things. Truthfully, while this is still a crime drama of sorts with Yang Cai Wei (not with Shangguan Zi’s face) trying to figure out the person behind her family’s tragedy and her “murder”, I’m only watching it for the romance.

This show does go a little against the grain by having the ML (Pan Yue) not being able to tell that the Shangguan Zhi by his side is the person he’s been in love with for all his life. In one sense, if this was in real life, assuming that the whole face change thing actually can happen at all, much less in a time with no modern medicine, most people would probably question themselves about what they are currently experiencing. Especially since he’s only just found her like a few months ago after 10 years, and the last time he interacted with her was when they were kids. Pan Yue feels so guilty for even caring for Shangguan Zhi that he is questioning the depth of his feelings for Cai Wei, whose body he’s still keeping “intact” in an ice cave of sorts. He convinced himself that he’s only seeing Cai Wei in Shangguan Zhi because she’s purposely trying to imitate her in order to get “close” to him, and given what the real Shangguan Zhi did, yeah, we can believe it. 
On the other end, Cai Wei, now living Shangguan Zhi’s life, has convinced herself that since she’s made the choice to use her new identity to pursue her goals, she needs to let the identity of Cai Wei go. She is, at least, trying to break Pan Yue’s outlook on the original Shangguan Zhi, making sure that he understands that she is only working with him to solve cases. The actress is super thin though. And being able to see this on screen means that she’s really thin. This is probably the major that that really bothers me every time I see her on screen.

And our poor second ML, who knows our FL’s real identity and sees the reality in front of him, and is still doing his best to achieve his goal. Using his status as the sect leader of one of the 4 powers (I forgot how to translate his sect, Silver Rain Tower…or something like that), he made it well know his intentions of marrying Shangguan Zhi, fully well aware of what Pan Yue doesn’t know what he knows. This man has no shame in take any advantage that he can get. I’m hoping our second ML sees the “other” woman who does have “eyes” for him. At least that’s what I’m seeing right now.

This is the one show that I’m chasing in real time. It is quite entertaining.

Everything else I’ve watched…a bit…

The rest of this post will go through everything else that I’ve watched this past week. Most of them I’ve only got through a few episodes, and I haven’t watched enough to have an opinion, and one that I just want to rage at.

Let’s start with that one…Remember when I said a few weeks ago that I stopped Fighting for You because it turned stupid?! Well…I should have went with my gut feeling and never started it again. But I was SO close, and I really wanted to find out what happened. So…I stopped when Yi Zhi found out that his father was the one that killed A Mai’s family…I thought the worse it could get was him being an idiot…oh no…I was SO SO unimaginative of the sh*t storm that happened in the last 10 or so episodes. I did read on line that the original novel never had a love story between A Mai and Yi Zhi, and for the drama to put this plot line in when Yi Zhi’s character was going to develop into what he became made NO sense! Forget the fact that the whole reason why the old emperor killed A Mai’s family ended up being the exact same logic that Yi Zhi used to eliminate the army that A Mai built. Yes, I understand that rulers have to make bad choices, but the fact that he ACTUALLY still believed that his love for her can move her in ANYWAY after sending her battalion to die, after he married someone else to stabilize the court, after setting up the harem, AND after forcing her into the same harem for a time ended ANY liking I had for his character. I understand that she’s loyal to her county and would never have even entertained the idea of marrying the enemy…but I really wished she did though. Sigh…At least she got what she wanted in the end. Freedom.

Unknown is the BL drama that I’m still following, and episode 6 ended with the implosion when Zhi Yuan finally confessed his love for the brother who brought him into his family and has taken care of him for most of his life. San Pang tried to warn him that it would end in disaster, and it ended with Wei Qian sending Zhi Yuan out of the country. BTW, I must be REALLY bad with money because I can’t understand how Wei Qian is able to save enough money to send Zhi Yuan to school over seas for however many years. Well…I am very bad with my money as mentioned above in the introduction.

Started The Legend of ShenLi, and I’m not very far yet. The entire chicken scene reminds me of 3310 and the little “snake” in the hut in the forest. The book that this is based on was written by the same author that did Zhao Yao (which I really loved!), the 7 unfortunate life times (book was better than the drama, which I still haven’t finished), so I will definitely continue…once I get over the whole chicken thing…

Burning Flames…have not gotten past the first episode. So odd… maybe I’m tired of my favorite genre???? Oh the horror!

Yong An Dream…also didn’t get past the first episode. But now that I heard Xu Zheng Xi is retiring…I’ll have to continue…just to see his beautiful face in costume.

Judge Dee’s Mystery is on Netflix, and I liked the drama. The end kind of fizzled out, but most of it was a good watch for the crime/mystery angle.

Guess who I am….I’m still trying to figure out what in the world this drama is about. If anyone has gone far enough… please let me know. This is her novel right? This thing is a bit cray cray. And we should all be honest with ourselves…we all want her super power.

And this it for this week. Hope everyone have a peaceful and accident free week!

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