Greetings! Just a quick note here to let you know that I will be making some style changes to the blog and, as a result, the site will be temporarily offline. It is just a temporary hiatus as changes are needed.
As with all technology, things become obsolete – or in my case here on The Fangirl Lane, a theme is retired. Updates and upgrades are all part of the 21st century way of technology, especially with so many platforms to accommodate. I have been noticing some glitches as of late that my little space here on the interwebs has been experiencing and it seems renovations are in order.
I will (hopefully) have everything back up and running before the next Waiting For Donghun countdown post is set to publish on May 15th. I also plan to get back to generating more content. I miss the Playlist Roulette! Thank you for your patience and as always for dropping by.
I will return to regularly scheduled programming soon!