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Netflix’s Twogether: Yoga Session – Kdrama Yogi

AdminJuly 14, 2020

Twogether: Lee Seung Gi (이승기) and Jasper Liu (劉以豪)


I binge watched Twogether one weekend and fell in love with Indonesia, Thailand and Nepal. These places are so beautiful and the whole series made me feel as if I were traveling…even though that’s probably not possible in the near future…

Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu’s communication through English, Korean, and Chinese makes it even more delightful to watch. And the whole series is produced by a former Running Man PD. Too cool! I’m neither a fan of Seung Gi or Jasper but the whole series went by so quickly getting to know the food and culture of each place they visit. 

I love it when the two have to compete in all the challenges to meet their fans. Their first at yoga was adorable. Nikki, the instructor had her olive green lululemon gear on to teach them a bit of partner and acroyoga. It was definitely struggles for them. 

Even though it wasn’t a spa massage, the two seemed to have a lot of fun during the challenge. The whole series is just a feel good show. Highly recommend! It’s only 8 episodes…

The post Netflix’s Twogether: Yoga Session appeared first on Kdrama Yogi.

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