SHUK: Kiss Kiss Fall In Love! And you better do it quick because I’m betting that heartache is just around the corner.
Trotwood: What do you expect? It’s not the end, so this happiness has to be fleeting, but I am going to take all the smiles and secret glances I can get.
We is getting lotsa wallbanging kissing, but bits and pieces of bad stuff intrude. Ji-hyuk rubs Ji-won’s lips for a moment, remembering when she talked about being rudderless after her father died. They continue the liplock action, but then we get a flash of Ji-hyuk’s possible-future funeral, which causes him to break away and catch his breath.
He needs to think about his own happiness for a minute and how really good memories can also be an anchor for people during their grief. He is so distracted by his own death that he is not letting himself live.
Tortured, he warns her that he is not the right person for her happiness, and that she will regret knowing him. Crying, Ji-won insists she won’t, but he suddenly yanks her into the hallway and shuts his door. Bad Boss, no biscuit!
It was such a painful scene for both.
She spends the night on her couch until it’s time to get ready to work. When she arrives at the office, Boss isn’t there. Boo.
The bad stuff piles on. Ex-manager Kim is badgering Yang Mom worse than when he was her boss, barking at her being on time (rather than early), unprofessional emails, etc., etc. Sunny makes gagging expressions as he raises his voice loudly enough to disrupt the whole floor. Shouldn’t he be somewhere else, yunno, like Siberia?
I really don’t understand how he thinks that this is okay when he isn’t the boss, but it also shows how arrogant he is because he clearly thinks that everyone is on his side, when they all look embarrassed and/or sorry for her.
Yang Mom says nothing, and later the Nice Girls commiserate. Ji-won advises the older woman to nip this behavior of X-Kim in the bud and enforce her rank as the real manager; otherwise, it will be hard to establish a clear hierarchy of workers.
This is absolutely true. I don’t usually encourage a new manager to come in and “put their foot down” because it seems aggressive and most of the time not necessary. However, often, especially for a woman, when a person has been promoted from being a peer to a manager, they need to make a visible statement about the “new sheriff in town.” Otherwise, people won’t get the new boundaries and they won’t be listened to.
PPL of Kopiko again, when Yang Mom receives a phone call from Deadbeat Dad demanding she come home early. After the call, Ji-won pulls her aside and gives her advice: Ji-won also used to bend over backwards for her significant other, but it ultimately left her in ruins. Yang Mom should get her parents involved, since bad people will never be considerate.
Exactly. This would be good advice even if JW hadn’t experienced this herself. She almost slips by saying “her husband,” but when Yang Mom looks at her, she corrects herself. I figured that Yang mom just assumed that JW had already thought of Weasel as her husband.
Later, Ji-won learns that Boss called in sick, so that night she makes some porridge, which reminded her of her Past Doormat Days with a grouchy whiny husband.
She ends up in front of Boss’ door and musters up the courage to ring the bell. No one comes to answer but Cheese Tabby is yelling. Ji-won opens the door using the code Boss had recently revealed and follows the cat’s voice. She finds Ji-hyuk on the floor and manages to rouse him a bit. Personally, I’m distracted by the lovely nubby sweater he is wearing. He recognizes her but refuses to go to a doctor or a hospital.
He has Major Sweater Game, this man. Like he just becomes a giant stuffed animal at home built for snuggly days. So glad this takes place when it’s cold.
He’s more worried about her. Does she still feel like a boat adrift in the sea? This pings something in her mind, and she finally remembers her drunken ramble waay back in college. She realizes he was “that guy” in college; he chuckles ruefully that he knew who she was the moment he saw her again. There’s a lot of face touching as they share an embrace.
Thank goodness for his fever. He would have never let his guard down otherwise.
At Cute Chef’s restaurant, he gets notice that a particular person is at a particular table. This time, though, it’s our cheerful sober Sunny not her grouchy drunk brother. Chef comments that she’s a lot like her sibling, which she blows off as an insult. In fact, she’s ready for some strategic planning with musical tickets for the budding couple. His stony face says it all, though, and she falters in her enthusiasm. He gets choked up and admits that his not Ji-won’s choice.
She was so happy that she found him those tickets for the musical to take JW on their second date. I love how she looks so sad for him and his awkward crying and his cryptic quoting, which only he and her brother would understand. I’m glad it’s her and not someone else in this moment. We all need a Sunny when we’re sad.
Back at CheeseTabbyHouse, Ji-won is gently nursing Ji-hyuk. He’s still in the sweater, though, and sweating. Remove the clothing, Ji-won. We…you want to!
Yes. He needs to be wiped down to bring down the fever! Do us all a favor. Save a life!
She does end up laying on the bed with him; it’s that perfect moment when you wake up and see your dream crush all curled up and warm next to you. It only lasts a moment, but you know he photographed it in his heart.
Duh. I photographed it in my heart, and I wasn’t even there.
Ji-won opens her eyes and stares sleepily into his before fully waking and checking his forehead temperature. She starts to roll off the bed, but he stops her and sits up. He’s all embarrassed about what he might have said last night, so she gets to tease him for a bit. She is happy he still likes her and wants to be her stability. Before he can say anything to break the spell, Ji-won gives him a big hug and apologizes for not recognizing that crazy man on campus.
Seriously, if she hadn’t given that giant tree of a stuffed animal a hug at this moment, I would’ve questioned if she had any brains or heart left in that tiny body of hers.
Things get serious and wonderful. If they stay together, there will be no regrets. Ji-won is convinced she came back in time to trust again, to fall in love again, and to be happy. But it has to be with him. Cue the Big Tree hug!! Ji-hyuk Tree finally gets to rest his chin on her head.
Hurray!!!!! We need sparkles. We need some kind of sparkling gif/pic to celebrate. Maybe confetti?
![]() |
I haven’t done one of these since Hand Towel, I think. |
And now begins lots and lots of clandestine cuteness! He picks her up for work but drops her off a short distance from the office. He’s practically giddy when he parks his SUV. They even time the elevator ride to be together. He asks her on a weekend date, and they are both smiling so hard I think their mouths cracked.
I was grinning like I had just won the lottery this entire time. My cheeks hurt.
Of course, it HAD to be wrecked by Weasel, who chases Ji-won to chastise her for making it uncomfortable at work for him. Emotionlessly, she intones that he did that all by his lonesome. Gaslight Failure, but the elevator doors open to Henchman, and Weasel is forced to back off without any more conversation.
See, everyone always wants to be the leads in these dramas, but my idol role is this. I want to be Henchman. I want people to see me and rethink every asshole kind of thing or remark they are about to say. I want them to second guess whether it would be better for them to wait for the next elevator when I’m on it.
He also has very snazzy suits. They have ALWAYS fit him.
Weasel ends up in the Supply Room of Sex. He wants to kick something but ends up losing to a box of toilet paper. (I laughed at this. His tantrums are so ineffectual and show what a child he is) He remembers when boring Ji-won told him in this very room that she wanted to break up (Episode 2).
Next scene, Weasel is introducing Snakey to WMom. We find out he’s told a whole heap of lies, basically projecting everything Ji-won is onto Soo-min (the university, the major, the job experience, etc.) Snakey is not happy about it but goes along. She also spins a tale of devoted parents and a rich father who passed away. The pair flatter the older woman, so she calls her son very smart. You can see Snakey nearly choke on her food, but she smooths it over.
What I like about this scene is that it is a reminder that this is not about Weasel at all. This is about JW and getting what JW has. So many of these stories are always about the 2nd lead falling desperately in love with the guy the FL loves, but this show has been clear from the beginning: Weasel’s only attraction to her is that JW loves him. That’s it. It will be interesting to see how she acts when she finally realizes that JW thinks he’s a bug.
Outside the restaurant though, they argue. Snakey is not happy to lie to her soon-to-be MIL, but Weasel brutally says she needs credentials as sterling as Ji-won. Anyway, who cares; WMom approves. He leaves her by the side of the road and walks away.
It’s clear that she believes that JW was going to be a beloved daughter-in-law rather than a slave to this woman. How she doesn’t figure this out during this meeting is a mystery.
Our Precious JiJi Couple is driving to Busan and chatting. Boss Tree comments about the wedding hall that was booked for that icky wedding farce. Ji-won knows it’s an horrible place because Past Life Wedding was held there.
ShukNote: Ji-won is adorable in her perfectly-styled black beret, and I can’t help but be reminded of that awful white one Snakey pushed on her head in Past Life (episode 3). Boss Tree is quite natty and touchable in brushed wool.
I love how they are coordinated on this trip like they are ready for a couple photoshoot.💞
I kinda think they look better than an official photoshoot (although they are still gorgeous together).
Ji-won gets a text from YangMom. It appears she took Ji-won’s advice, and now her parents are involved. They are forcing Deadbeat Dad to work at their restaurant, and they will help with childcare. Yay!
LOL. He is literally on his knees in front of his father-in-law, but he’s clearly just like Weasel: a sniveling coward who bullies the weak and fears the strong. He even shrinks back from his mother-in-law. Heh.
He’s also as dumb as Weasel. Did he really think they would sympathize when he started saying how he wasn’t meant for that kind of work as if he is above it? The work they do to make a living? He really does nothing but use resources.
Things are looking up for several of the Nice Girls! Boss Tree even comments on this.
They take a stroll by a red Busan lighthouse. Gosh, I want to just have an endless loop of these two! Ji-won admits that she would travel to Haeundae (a beach area in Busan) to clear her head while she was at college.
They end up at a little gukbap restaurant on the breakwater. Ji-won loves the food here but is feeling nostalgic. In a few years this little place will give way under the weight of redevelopment.
This is a great scene. Not just because I could watch them date for hours, but also because it makes me think of all the great little places I’ve eaten throughout my life that are no longer around with tastes that will never be replaced.
They discuss a bit about the last time they ate gukbap. Ji-won spends some time teaching him how to properly add the ingredients to his bowl of broth, so he can be more like a local and less like a chaebol. In fact, he goes along with it while wearing the cutest smile.
Because she is sooo cute! Seriously, if she were teaching me how to eat anything, I’d be smiling at her like that, too. She really is adorable. Weasel is so dumb for not seeing this and appreciating it.
Later, JiJi Couple walk the beach along the water’s edge, two lovely people in neutral tones glowing in the sunset.
Boss asks when Ji-won will stop calling him formally? She cheekily replies when he becomes CEO. After a chuckle, she asks what his other girlfriends called him. He shows a lack of memory, then swoops in for a gentle but passionate sunset kiss. In his thoughts, the only name is “Kang Ji-won ssi”. More kissing, two beautiful people in a beautiful backdrop.
Two beautiful people kissing in sunset. SO glorious. My heart was beating for them and because KDrama has taught me that we can only have nice things six episodes before the end only if we are going to suffer badly. The better the happiness quality the worse the suffering. At this point, I was starting to panic. I was literally looking for the white truck of doom on the beach for goodness sakes.
Why has KDrama made me so wary?
Ugliness creeps into my happiness like the snake in the garden of Eden. We flip back to the U&K office. While Kang Mom is away, Ex-Manager Kim comes to sit in her chair and stroke her desk. (That is not only gross, but how can he also not know it makes him look like a freak?) A new intern shows up on the floor and introduces himself to this misogynist, who quickly goes into Manager Mode. When Yang Mom shows back up, X-Kim gets all condescending and smirks to Yang Mom to keep “his” chair warm for his return. Ji-won again encourages her silently to nip this behavior in the bud.
Yang Mom finally grows a spine and calls out to X-Kim demanding why he hasn’t completed his proposal. She sounds like him, lol. She warns that the last proposal is sloppy and needs a lot of work. It’s not terrible, but it’s not good either.
I loved this whole scene. She clearly remembers everything he’s said to her word-for-word. I also love the cutaways to seeing both Sunny’s and JW’s responses to her comments. That poor intern. He’s probably already rethinking how lucky he felt this morning.
The Nice Girls secretly cheer. Through clenched teeth, X-Kim asks Senior Manager Yang Mom why she is talking informally, using banmal. She shrugs that he did it all the time with the female employees, so she is just following his hierarchal behavior. If he wants formal, respectful language, he needs to also use formal, respectful language. Based on his face, no one (certainly no woman) has ever called him to the carpet on this before. Which still begs the question: how come Boss Tree never stopped this behavior??
I don’t think Boss Tree ever paid attention to anything. I think he went to work like he was supposed to and watched JW from a distance, pining. I wonder if he ever–even before going back in time–thought he deserved to be happy. Miserable people expect miserable things. No one really complained and just kept their heads down. X-Kim was able to steal all the good work and control the narrative.
Anyway, X-Kim goes to the Roof of Rumination to grouse. Weasel meets up with him for cigarettes and manly commiseration. X-Kim feels the male bond, but still asks Weasel if he is actually dating Snakey. He says no.
The way he lies without skipping a beat is almost a gift.
There’s a party for Yang Mom at her father’s restaurant (which X-Kim refuses to go to). Weasel makes the worst drinks in the most wasteful way, and nobody cheers. Ultimately, Yang Mom makes a short speech thanking everyone for their support and encouragement. YangDad comes out with the support and encouragement of some fine looking beef. The best meat for the best Marketing Team! LOL. It’s wonderful how supportive her fam is. He leads everyone in cheers, embarrassing his daughter.
I’m happy for her to be able to see how supportive her family would be. She probably never wanted to bother them with anything, especially since they work so hard. She probably wants to take some weight off of their shoulders. If they knew everything, her dad would probably be arrested.
Ji-won thinks about her father as well and is happy she now has what she’s always wanted: warm friends, a good work environment, and firm land underneath, complete with a nice tall Tree.
Henchman shows up a little late. As he steps out of his vehicle, he sees Yang Dad looking a little disheveled with an equally messy woman. Yang Dad shoos her away with the promise of later delights. The two men make eye contact; when Yang Mom comes outside, she sees them both.
Poor Henchman is eating alone, so Yang Mom heads over with a bottle of soju. Sunny is amazed that he would show up at the party just because the new manager asked him to come.
I’m not. He’s fond of Yang Mom. Probably always has been, but her type of positivity confuses him so he stays away. But I’m glad that he’s suspicious of her husband.
Outside, these two unbelievable dirtbags are equally angry at how the night is going. This was a great directorial choice–having them tantrum with the same exact gesture. They are really the same. Yang Dad has to go back and wash dishes; Weasel gets a text from X-Kim offering a men’s sauna night soon.
The next day, WMom, Snakey, and Weasel are house hunting. Weasel is upset that his mother is only willing to rent them an apartment rather than buying a place. Obviously, this puts a crimp in his debt-reduction plan. Snakey is equally upset that WMom stomps on all her dreams: no overseas honeymoon (WMom says it’s because she’s pregnant); no stylish wedding dress; no pretty makeup; ugly boring traditional wedding invitations.
It’s just so tacky and terrible. I get it that she wants to save money, but I hardly spent much money (because I didn’t have it) and my invitations were beautiful and so was my dress. This is all to show how tacky they really are despite their highfalutin’ attitude.
ShukNote: An entire travel agency, and not one Eiffel Tower to be seen. What kind of lousy crazy place is this? And in an Asian drama no less. IKR?!
Snakey vents to Weasel about his mother’s high-handedness, but he’s too busy starting down that Couch Potato Lifestyle path. He doesn’t really care about Snakey anyway. He is more than happy to have anyone else do any labor. I’m surprised he even went with them. He looks annoyed the entire time.
At U&K, Ji-won receives a text message from Snakey with an evite for the ceremony. (bitch) Boss Tree gets one too; in fact, the entire marketing team received one forwarded from Human Resources. Actually, I thought JW sent the invite to him, and he decided to send it to HR. Well, everyone but Weasel. When he finds out, he run-creeps to Henchman’s office to complain. Mr Lee is unflappable. Company policy states that the team the employee belongs to gets the day off to attend, and the company also supplies some gifts and perks. And arranges honeymoon leave.
Weasel has a meltdown in the office because he didn’t want anyone there to know about it. Henchman’s henchman deadpan sotto voce’s that Team Member Park Min-hwan may be embarrassed to be marrying his ex-fiancée Team Leader Kang Ji-won’s best friend, ex-intern Jung Soo-min. Such saltiness!
If I were to only have one line in a show, I’d want to be him and have this be it.
Later, Henchman and Boss Tree share an elevator. Henchman mentions that it’s surprising for Boss Tree to meddle in the affairs of scumbags. Boss Tree quietly says that anything involving Kang Ji-won is his business, always.
Awwww. You deserve eye-hearts for this one, Snuggle Tree. This is going to be my name for him now. We don’t have a Snuggle Tree yet in our tree types, do we Shuk?
Nope. And he is the Snuggle Tree GOAT!
Grandpa is looking over JiJi Couple First Date Haeundae Beach photos and scoffing. Henchman reminds the old man that his grandson looks happy, and the new Ji-hyuk is better than the old one who never lived and never smiled.
This was an interesting conversation because Grandpa scoffs until Henchman looks soft himself. Henchman talks about how his job was/is boring because Snuggle Tree just did what he was told. He probably thought he was hired to keep some chaebol heir in check and smooth over trouble he got in. But it’s clear that Snuggle Tree has always been a straight (boring) arrow. Doing what he was told. Never asking for or expecting anything. Existing without any desire but without joy.
Snuggle Tree’s attitude about his second chance at life and his reluctance to grab his chance with JW makes even more sense now.
It makes his grandfather think, I think.
I hope it does. (glaring at KDrama Gods)
That evening, JiJi Couple is cuddling on the couch. Boss Tree admits it was very childish to send the email to everyone at the office. Ji-won is happy that someone is on her side and willing to do things like this. He’s happy for her gratitude but would rather have her lips. She strokes the tiny heart tat on his clavicle as they snuggle.
That was snuggle hot.
Weasel is still freaking out over the events at work and ends up yelling in the middle of his mom’s fussy living room. His work life is ruined by this announcement, and he accuses Snakey of doing this. I’ve never seen a grown man throw so many tantrums, ever. Those are some quality tantrums, too. He’s holding nothing back. I’m waiting for him to writhe on the floor next.
WMom pulls Snakey into a bedroom to allow Weasel to rant away outside. Snakey is grateful for a moment, until WMom pulls out a headset and shows a stack of audio cassettes and CD’s stuffed with music to help the baby along. She gets stuck sitting on an uncomfortable wooden chair listening to JS Bach’s “Air for G” mixed with bird chirps.
I’d feel sorry for her if she were pregnant.
Boss Tree is napping on Ji-won’s lap. Sunny texts JW with her willingness to go to the wedding. As Ji-won e-chats, Ji-hyuk mumbles in his sleep that he wants to live.
I love how Sunny talks about buying her ticket for the food. You know she’s going for the cheap eats.
JiJi Couple spends the next few days doing couple things. They put photos of her and her dad, as well as the two of them, on his memorial tree. They spend time on his couch, watching silly shows like “Global Rooftop Tug of War”. She laughs while he strokes her hair. At work they manage to brush hands every once in a while.
While I cringe with worry because this is all toooo good toooo wholesome. I don’t want them to ever leave the house because I’m seriously starting to get worried. If I hadn’t read the webcomic, I would have been thinking that someone we were missing another illness.
It’s the day of the wedding! Ji-won is looking great in a white coatdress and putting on the finishing touches to her makeup. Boss Tree looks great, too! And finally, he pulls out the jeweler’s box holding the grand necklace he bought so long ago. I can feel my blood sugar shooting through the roof, these two are so stinkin’ cute!!
I’m not going to lie. I teared up, especially thinking about the awful fake gifts Weasel bought her in her past life.
Nervous Snakey is alone in the anteroom, staring at a mirror and convincing herself that everything in her life is going terrifically. The dress and the waiting room are both so godawful that I have to remind myself how much I hate her, so I don’t feel sorry.
WMom comes through the door, dressed in…pink?
ShukNote: Hanbok tradition is for the mother of the groom to wear cool hues (blue / gray / green), and the bride’s mother to wear warm tones (pink / purple / orange).She cares about nothing but what she looks like. She doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her because she thinks she’s in the right always and that anyone should feel lucky to be allowed into her family. Where does she get such confidence?
Snakey asks if the dress makes her look fat pregnant. WMom snarks that it better not. She wonders where the bride’s friends may be. Before Snakey has to spin up more tall tales, the photographer arrives. He even thinks she is Snakey’s mother because of the color she is wearing. She just tells him she picked it because she looks good in pink. When the pair pose for the photo, WMom spreads her hanbok skirt across Snakey, just to make sure there’s no record of a baby bump.
Another woman in a plum hanbok shows up. It’s SnakeyMom! Or, is it? A fierce whisper between “mother” and “daughter” shows that this person is a paid actor. Snakey is really pulling out the stops to create this gentle noble façade. FakeyMom also confirms that she’s purchased additional well-wishers.
In the receiving line, Weasel meets with his camping/whatever friend, who remarks that Snakey never seemed like a marriage partner. He’s teasing him because that is what Weasel always said, but here we are. Weasel pulls him aside to ask about their other female friends. Nobody else is willing to come to a ‘cheater’ wedding. One friend only intends to show up at the reception (and eat, more than likely).
Suddenly, in slow strut style, JiJi Couple shows up! Gone is the coatdress; her shoulders are exposed in a white vest top. She looks fabulous! Boss Tree in towering trench coat and dark tie, looking great, too. He turns to sign them in; she continues until she is in front of gobsmacked Weasel.
This whole wedding is so satisfying, and the way she looks, and the way he (and his friend) look at her is just a delicious beginning.
He can barely make a sound as she offers congratulations and hands him an envelope. She tells him to keep the envelope with him. His stuttering continues when he focuses on that huge shiny necklace. Boss Tree smoothly pulls her aside and escorts her into the wedding hall, but not before a disdainful glance at that loser groom.
With some goading from his friend, he opens the envelope. It’s not money, it’s a court document stating his debt to her of 10,000,000 krw / $7500 USD, (which she loaned him after the Rosenthal payment), plus court costs and 12% per annum interest, payable in monthly installments at the court’s discretion. Hah! The financial noose tightens.
It doesn’t help that his friend recognizes her as Weasel’s ex and correctly guesses that she was the one that dumped him not the other way round.😄
Ji-won finally meets Snakey in the bride anteroom. She gets a flashback of herself wearing the same ugly dress with the same ugly makeup. Lost in her memories, she murmurs aloud that the other woman has finally caught her bouquet. Snakey misinterprets this and thinks Ji-won wants both the bouquet and the man.
Ji-won complements the ugly dress; Snakey crows that her mother-in-law treats her just like a real daughter. Ji-won barks a laugh and refuses the usual photograph with the bride. She congratulates Snakey on picking up her garbage. With that, she tosses the pink branded bag that Weasel bought her previously at Snakey’s feet. Ji-won then strolls away like a queen.
And the world applauded.
A short time later, Snakey is ready to enter the wedding hall. Oh, not so ready. She has already experienced Weasel’s poor behavior, which can only be an omen of things to come. But she still convinces herself that she has one-upped her ersatz BFF and come out on top.
Once again, it’s all about beating JW. Her talk to herself is that she now has the family that JW always wanted. She says “I won” over and over to herself. Sick chick.
The strains of Medelssohn’s Wedding March fill the air as she steps onto the red carpet and grabs her father-in-law’s arm. We see flips back and forth of both the current and past weddings. Snakey’s face is much more manic than Past Ji-won, but the steps are the same.
Ji-won shakes with emotion but steadies down with the comforting presence of Boss Tree. After the vows, it’s time for pictures. BGM is now Giuseppe Verdi’s “Triumphal March” from Aida. Sunny comments that Soo-min’s mother looks nothing like her, which gets Ji-won wondering. Sunny even wonders if Snakey hired people but then takes it back because that is so farfetched. Nope. Go with your gut, Sunny!
Ji-won gets startled by a tap on her shoulder. It’s Cute Chef! But he’s not alone. The Mean Girls have dressed up like they are clubbing (I wouldn’t even say good clubbing. We’ve seen them in better clothes than this), bound and determined to take revenge on behalf of Ji-won. Even though she reeeeeally doesn’t need them. Bully loudly announces to the entire hall in a Busan accent that they are here to congratulate the adulterous pair.
I LOVED THIS!!! Way to use bullies to an advantage.
Weasel does his usual and slips away from the situation. Bully heads right for WeaselMom and proceeds to spin her up to the point she chases them screaming. After a few circuits of the wedding hall, they head out for the exit, giving an incredulous Ji-won a wink.
I love how they claim to be Snakey’s best friends. I love how they call them out for being uppity when they raised a trash son who is getting married to his ex-girlfriend’s “best friend.” They want everyone to know what kind of wedding they are attending.
JiJi Couple decide to leave before the banquet, leaving Sunny and Chef to fend for themselves. Ha. Sunny was so sad that she had spent money on her reception lunch ticket and not get food. Chef to the rescue to go someplace else. They decide to also ditch the reception and go eat somewhere. Sunny wonders why Yang Mom didn’t show up for the festivities.
It turns out Yang Mom is crying in the storeroom at work, where she is discovered by Henchman. When he gently asks, she admits that she doesn’t want to go home at the moment. She picked up her medical report – it’s stomach cancer! Oh no, she got Ji-won’s boomerang…
I was suspicious because the parallels between her husband and Weasel were too great.
Ji-won is crying in relief in the JiJi-Mobile. Boss Tree grabs her handle and they smile. The smiles fade, though, when they reach the apartment. There’s a well-dress woman in periwinkle waiting for them. Well, waiting for Boss Tree. She is Oh Yoo-ra (KWON BoA), Ji-hyuk’s former business fiancée, and she’s apparently back to snatch him out of the arms of a money-grubbing commoner.
We knew that the joy couldn’t last. KDramas don’t like it when we have nice things.
Okay, here comes the downhill, angst-ridden, misunderstanding-driven crap show. We all know we will get through this, and in a fairly short time (given the 16 episode limit). But still, can’t we just sit back, eat popcorn and melon seeds, and enjoy the fluff and the fall?
Yes. We expected pain. But this episode is the last one before the world went mad and became so angry at this show. People felt so betrayed. They started doing a lot of new things here that weren’t in the webcomic, so I understand the discussions about the wisdom or need for some of these choices. What I didn’t understand was how anyone with any experience with KDramas at all was surprised that we were going to get angst episodes at this point.
The pattern was all there. You don’t go into a KDrama rom-com without expecting a lot more angst than comedy. In fact, I think this show has had a lot more comedy than I expected out of a rom-com.
I’m so sorry Yang Mom got whacked with Fate’s Brush, but I hope that she will make a full recovery (fingers crossed).