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Making Monday Better: ONE OK ROCK 2016 Special Live in Nagisaen ~A Playlist~

AdminSeptember 28, 2020

Believe it or not, it’s Monday once again and you know what that means! Another ONE OK ROCK playlist is here to help bring a little sunshine to your day! Woohoo!

I don’t have any idea how things are in your life right now, but in mine, they’re hovering somewhere between absolute chaos and utter despair. Last Friday, both my mom and my grandma tested COVID positive. While my mom is home, resting and recovering as well as she can, while trying to distance her from my dad (who is currently waiting for his own test results to come in), my grandmother, being the high-risk person that she is, was immediately admitted to the hospital. The fact that she’s now lying in a COVID ICU room, an hour and a half away from her nearest relative, is weighing heavily on me at the moment. So you can see why I need some pretty serious cheering up.

I’m not entire sure this single playlist can cheer me up, but any sort of distraction from my daily life is welcome right now and OOR is always a good distraction! Here’s hoping today’s playlist can work a little magic in both my day and yours!

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