When I Was the Prettiest (2016)
My Rating: 5.5/10
Rating Received: 7.0/10
This was requested for me to watch. First, I don’t really watch specials like this because I am not a fan of the format. I like when relationships start slow and build up to romance. Second, I am not a fan of old/young relationships. I am not sure why but they are not my favorite. Third, I absolutely hate anything that includes cheating. I watch dramas to be happy, not to remind me of how annoying actual guys can be. That being said, this was not one of my favorite dramas. I love Lee Jong Suk, and he looked so freaking adorable in this drama, but even that couldn’t change my opinion. But, I will say that the plot was worth watching if you can ignore everything I said above. It had a lot of meaning, and it was a learning experience for the main character about finding who actually cares the most.
If there is anyone that agrees or disagrees with me then tell me, I would love to hear from you. If you just want to comment, then please do.
잘 자요.