I think I’m way over the age of making excuses for dramas just because I like the actors. Well, the actors aren’t at fault for what I’m going to say in my post but I’m not going to say that a drama is good just because I fancy them.
Temperature Of Love ia a drama I was looking forward to. YES, I knew who the writer is and because of that I tried to keep my excitement on the low however the teases looked rather nice thus I was thinking that maybe, maybe, maybe the writer improved. I mean, I’m talking about a novel writer who also writes dramas but boy she’s so bad at both. My point is, regarding the story, that there’s no consistency moreover these four episodes seemed rushed to have a back story for the characters. I can see myself liking the characters later on, in fact even now I’m starting to like them, but I find it annoying how the writer tries to make them out of the ordinary when she’s doing the completely opposite.
The directing isn’t helping the drama either. It’s hard to believe that both the writer and the director have the same idea and direction for the story. What I think is that each one of the two has different views for how to move the show and what road to take in the future episodes.
The actors are okay-ish. Bo Ah keeps recycling the same character over and over. The other 3 are quite good. But again, it’s sad that the writer isn’t helping the actors more, they need good material so they can bring their characters’ charms out.
Anyway, it’s a shame since Temperature Of Love had potential but if things don’t upgrade, writing wise, then I think I’m going to drop it. Hopefully it will! I’m going to keep this drama for now, I feel like I need to see more before harshly judge everyone. This post is more like a first glance to the story.