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K-DRAMA RECAP: “My Dearest Nemesis” Episodes 3 and 4 – kdramadiary

AdminFebruary 26, 2025

Our leads keep getting entangled together, both at work and off the clock. Between acting childish and supporting each other, they are slowly attracted to each other and forging an adorable bond. Though this little progress might be thwarted by the fact that they knew each other in the past yet are unaware of their connection.

On a darker note, we get more context to our Black Dragon’s childhood trauma and the terrible accident that caused his parents’ death.

Bunny S. watches My Dearest Nemesis on Viki

Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04

My Dearest Nemesis Episodes 3 and 4 Highlights

“No matter what others think, I don’t think you enjoying your hobby makes you a bad successor.”

Luckily, Ju-yeon and Su-jeong make it out safely before the situation escalates, as it will be detrimental to Ju-yeon’s “perfect” successor image if he gets caught in a scandalous rumor. Following this night, Ju-yeon deems Su-jeong less dangerous and is no longer averse to her. Instead, their dynamics feel more like childish bickering than actual fights.

During a store inspection, Ju-yeon almost quarrels with a client. But luckily, Su-jeong saves the day and soothes the client. Good thing she did because unbeknownst to Ju-yeon, the client is the vocalist of his favorite rock band. Realizing the truth, Ju-yeon is shocked and feels grateful to Su-jeong for stopping him from making this fatal mistake. Then, he jumps in excitement when Su-jeong helps him get an autograph and take a photo of the vocalist.

Ju-yeon is further touched when Su-jeong says how precious it is to have something one is passionate about and encourages him to enjoy his hobbies. Though he might not realize it yet, Ju-yeon is slowly falling for Su-jeong and keeps thinking about her. Likewise, she sees him in a different light and notices his skills. Alas, it all goes awry when Ju-yeon is reminded of his trauma and puts up his defense walls.

Through a flashback, we get more context regarding Ju-yeon’s parents’ death. That day, they were on their way to attend an animation event that Ju-yeon wanted to watch. But an evil truck of doom turns up and takes the lives of Ju-yeon’s parents, leaving poor Ju-yeon behind as the only survivor. According to the nasty chairwoman, Ju-yeon was the one to blame for the accident, as her son wouldn’t have died had Ju-yeon not shown interest in that event.

Worse, Ju-yeon was gaslighted by her and started blaming himself too, settling to do his best to meet the chairwoman’s expectations and fill in for his father. To bear that heavy burden, Ju-yeon found escapism in playing video games while trying hard to keep it a secret from the chairwoman. However, he got caught red-handed the day he went to see Su-jeong, which also happened to be his parents’ death anniversary.

Having learned what Ju-yeon was up to, the chairwoman gathered his cherished items, including the stuffed doll his parents got him before their death, and burned them off as we saw last week. Ju-yeon’s fear of abandonment is highlighted when he begs for forgiveness on his knees, promising he won’t repeat this “mistake,” and then pleads with the chairwoman not to dispose of the doll. Not that the cruel woman would care about his pleas.

“Get off now unless you want to get hospitalized, too”

In the present, Ju-yeon is back to treating Su-jeong coldly, getting her puzzled. But no need to worry, as the drama soon helps them reconcile when Ju-yeon contacts a technician because of a faulty power plug and Su-jeong shows up at his door because she has an electrician’s license. Neither has the slightest idea about the other person’s identity and both are shocked to recognize each other. (Yeah, Ju-yeon, we believe your claim that the secret lair belongs to your imaginary nephew, not you. Not that Su-jeong will stop teasing Ju-yeon until he admits to it.)

Things happen and Su-jeong’s father fractures his ankle and has to be rushed to the hospital. When Su-jeong hears the news, she is with Ju-yeon, so he offers her a ride and stays with her until her father gets transferred to a regular room after his surgery. Try as he might to act cold and nonchalant, we can see how much Ju-yeon cares for Su-jeong. Not only does he get her car fixed and rent her a new one but also she is the only one he can trust with the password to his work PC (I am the devil in Japanese).

At first, Ju-yeon felt annoyed that Su-jeong kept catching him out. But he is now glad that he can share his secret activities with at least one person. Which reminds Su-jeong of how comforted she felt about sharing things she couldn’t tell others with “Black Dragon.” Not that it would cross her mind that Ju-yeon is Black Dragon.

“What do you do to lift your mood?”

Things were going fine between our leads until Ju-yeon set a trap to test the team leaders and check how competent they were. Thus, getting Su-jeong mad. While Su-jeong can understand Ju-yeon’s viewpoint, she doesn’t like being tested. To make it up to her, Ju-yeon takes Su-jeong to an arcade to blow off steam. They are both childish and competitive, but they are fun to watch.

As we end this week, Su-jeong suggests they have dinner at her friend’s newly opened restaurant. But the catch is: Black Dragon is the one who introduced Su-jeong to that friend. In other words, Su-jeong’s friend, Seo Ha-jin (Im Se-mi), is the only one among the three who knows that Su-jeong is Strawberry and met Black Dragon as an adult though she is oblivious to his real name or chaebol status.

As Su-jeong is about to get in, she receives a call from Ha-jin saying not to come because Black Dragon is there, probably since Ha-jin spotted them together and figured out that Black Dragon is Su-jeong’s director. What a way to end the week!

My Dearest Nemesis Episodes 3 and 4 Musings

We have a long wait ahead of us to learn what Ha-jin decides to do. Will she keep mum about it or will she tell Su-jeong everything? Either way, we hope the drama gets the past connection arc out of the way soon so that we can enjoy our leads’ upcoming romance without worrying about anything. Though we don’t think Ju-yeon being Black Dragon and Su-jeong being Strawberry serves as a real obstacle beyond some pouting and childish bickering.

Su-jeong has been nothing but supportive of Ju-yeon and understanding of whatever he did. The acceptance and non-judgmental attitude she showed him was the main reason Ju-yeon got attracted to Su-jeong. Likewise, Ju-yeon’s presence brought comfort to Su-jeong, both in the past and now. So, a mini secret won’t break them apart, right?

Adding to the excitement, a secondary romance is in the works, featuring Ha-jin and Ju-yeon’s friend/older brother figure, Kim Shi-won (Kwak Si-yang). Following her recent divorce, Ha-jin isn’t that interested in dating. Still, she isn’t unaffected by Shi-won’s moves, who is head over heels for her. Wherever this arc is headed, we are excited to tag along.

Photos and Videos: tvN Drama


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