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AdminJuly 23, 2020

Hi everyone. I just wanted to drop in and say hello. I know I haven’t posted anything in so long and it’s because I haven’t had time to see any dramas or movies until recently. I was not planning on writing anything and I was really hesitant on posting but then I saw news of what happened with Haruma and I felt that I needed to blabber about something because I really am grateful to him and his works.

If y’all don’t know, Haruma Miura passed away last July 18 due to suicide and I’m not going into detail about that and when I read this, I was outside (safe and protected and away from lots of people) for some errands so it really didn’t sink in. As someone who suffers from mental illness, it saddens me to hear about someone losing the battle from themselves and their minds. I think that the entertainment industry lost a beautiful soul and an incredible talent and to think he just turned 30 (both of us did) this year.

In connection to what I said earlier, I felt grateful to him because he was one of the reasons why I landed my first writing job. My aunt that time showed me one of his dramas and I fell in love and I decided to review it, it was my first ever Jpn drama and I loved it to bits. The title was Last Cinderella and I believe it was like a May, December love story and it was just a fun and light drama plus he was super adorable in it. I then saw one of his movies, From Me to You after a few years. Actually, a few days after the news broke out, I was planning on watching more of his movies and I believe he was also cast in an upcoming drama. My heart goes out to his family and I do send them my deepest sympathies and condolences.

I also wanted to ask how everyone is doing amidst the COVID pandemic, I hope everyone is doing okay and are safe. Please, if you have nothing important to do outside and of you have the opportunity to work from home then please just stay indoors and if you have access to deliveries, may it be food or groceries then I suggest that you go for that option as well. Stay safe, stay protected and healthy. Disinfect and maintain a clean environment.

As for the content, I’ll try my hardest to give you an update since I’ve been watching some CDramas and I’m planning on sneaking in a Kdrama this week as if wor kwill be a little lighter.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and wish everyone well and of ever that you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, please, I beg you to go to this page HERE or call someone; may it be a friend or a family member of if you want to talk to me and I’m still awake, you may send me a ping on my facebook page. Stay safe everyone!

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