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Final TV Report (2017)

AdminJanuary 2, 2018

Happy 2018!  I had initially planned on finishing all of my reviews before summer but that didn’t quite happen as planned.  I know I was long overdue.  However, now that they are done, I didn’t want to leave you high and dry since so many dramas aired between summer and now.  Before I say my final goodbye, here are some short reviews on those dramas I’ve completed since then or am currently watching.


FIGHT, MY WAY – 쌈, 마이웨이

When I had initially started this drama, I wasn’t expecting it to be the voice of today’s youth.  The realistic depiction of the characters and how this generation of young adults deal with finding jobs, their friendships and finding and keeping love is what made viewers cherish the drama.  There are many lines in the drama that just spoke volumes as to what young adults face today.  I especially commend Song Ha Yoon for her portrayal of Baek Sul Hee.  It’s so easy to find this pushover type in K-Dramas but they become unlikeable or they significantly change over the course of the drama that you wonder if it’s the same character we’re watching.  Song Ha Yoon never changes the principal aspects of Sul Hee’s character and yet, she’s still able to make her and Sul Hee’s dreams relatable to viewers which makes it endearing to watch.



It’s a story about a vigilante group of people who fight against corruption within the prosecutor’s office.  Kim Young Kwang plays Jang Do Han who plays a smarmy lawyer.  He incredibly adept at making Do Han look good despite being opportunistic and morally flexible.  Also, Lee Si Young is not only a capable actress but she’s an action star.  Indeed, even I was surprised to hear that she got pregnant during the production of the drama and kept it a secret the whole time.  She had some intense action scenes right up until the end.  As sidekicks, Kim Seul Gi and Key didn’t really standout for me but I think they played their part.  In all honesty, I feel like they are typecast and I’m waiting to see with each new role if they can expand their range.  I will say that Key is still a relative newbie but there is still that concern that he’ll be confined to play outspoken, comedic sidekick roles over and over again.  My enthusiasm of the overall corruption plot scandal does take a dip in the middle of the drama but the final climax and its conclusion does payoff so it’s worth sticking it out to the end.



How is it that I have not seen Ji Chang Wook in anything before?  I always knew that he was a great actor with the ability to pull you in… with his eyes.  Perhaps it was the timing.  However, I liked that this drama highlighted his ability as a romcom star over action star.  At first, I worried that Nam Ji Hyun’s adorability wouldn’t match well with Ji Chang Wook’s deadpan delivery but yet they made that chemistry work so well that it had a lot viewers swooning.  The plot had its good share of twists and turns and included cases that provided some thought-provoking watercooler discussions.  It also highlighted some great performances by Choi Tae Joon and Dong Ha, comedic for the former and dramatic for the latter.  The final episode does lose a little steam once it surpasses the final climax but as far as superficial summer romcoms go, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this was not one of them.


RULER – MASTER OF THE MASK – 군주 – 가면의 주인

While many people may have made similarities between this drama and that of Moonlight Beyond the Clouds, due to the young cast and sageuk storyline, that is where the similarities end.  This story has a decidedly darker tone and Yoo Seung Ho and Kim So Hyun seem equally suited to handle the weightiness of the throne being held hostage by a shady organization.  As for Infinite’s L, he seems to grasp the intensity of his character very well but lacks the acting technique to portray varying shifts in that intensity.  Lee Sun’s churlishness seems over exaggerated and becomes tiresome by the middle of the drama making him quite dislikable instead of one to be pitied.


MY SASSY GIRL – 엽기적인 그녀

Every time I hear about a new remake an old favorite, it does give me pause.  Can you really improve on a classic?  However, the Joseon twist to this tale seemed to breathe new life.  The problem is nothing actually felt new about this drama.  You have the core romcom story between Joo Won and Lee Yeon Seo and then the typical Joseon plot about corrupt nobleman trying to usurp power.  It would have been great if Joo Won and Lee Yeon Seo’s chemistry had me reeling.  However, Joo Won doesn’t have the same boy-next-door quality as Cha Tae Hyun as he comes off square in his strait-lacedness.  On the other hand, Lee Yeon Seo’s quick wit and shrewd delivery was what the role called for but when it came to the romance it lacked that je ne said quoi that cemented Princess Hye Myung and Gyun Woo’s affections for each other.



With the popularity of time-traveling dramas, we seem to be constantly reminded how the decisions made today affect the future.  Circle takes that idea and broadens the scope as we hop between the worlds of 2017 and 2037 and see how events at a university campus changes Korea as we know it 20 years later.  The drama provides plenty of twists and intrigue in this X-Files like story.  The Truth is Out There.


THE BEST HIT – 최고의 한방

Following Producer, The Best Hit is another attempt by KBS as a hybrid variety drama.  This time PD Yoo Ho Jin from 1 Night 2 Days and Cha Tae Hyun team up to tell this story about this coming of age story about chasing dreams.  The concept is simple enough and the variety elements don’t hold up the overall story.  The cast is likable and while the story is predictable, it’s entertaining enough to make it an easy watch.



Queen Dangyeong (Park Min Young) was queen for only 7 days before being deposed.  The writers didn’t have much to go on in the historical records but they pose quite a stimulating premise in this fictionalized historical tale.  It was a tumultuous time in Joseon as two brothers, Lee Yoong (Lee Dong Gun) and Lee Yeok (Yeon Woo Jin), are seemingly vying for their father’s throne.  I won’t deny that the nature of their story is very dark but I was surprised to see how the drama weaved a light and dark narrative in this tale about these three people as they felt very extreme.  However, it’s important to note that much of the lighthearted moments represent love, camaraderie and friendship.  While most of the dark scenes represented mistrust, jealousy and betrayal.  It makes the journey of all three main character, all the more heartbreaking as they each must face the consequences with the choices that they’ve made portrayed beautiful by the main cast.


DUEL – 듀얼

With an incredibly interesting premise, I was sucked into the mystery and the thrill of the story Jang Deuk Chun’s (Jung Jae Young) dilemma over his kidnapped daughter and the clones Lee Sung Joon and Lee Sung Hoon (both played by Yang Se Jong).  Playing the role of the good and the bad clone, Yang Se Jong showcases why he’s such a hot commodity now and he does not disappoint in making us fear him when he’s the bad guy and feel sorry for him.  I will admit that I was quite surprised to see Kim Jung Eun in this drama as she plays a ruthless prosecutor, Choi Jo Hye, who seems to only look out for herself.  Previously known as the queen of romcom dramas, I was familiar in seeing her in submissive roles so I was impressed with her turn of face.  Having said that, the drama tries to keep viewers on its toes by providing more and more twists.  In doing so, it introduces so many characters, organizations, storylines that it just feels like too much and convoluted.  I didn’t lose interest in the main characters but it did get harder for me to care about all the extraneous people in the story as it seemed like the drama could come anything in order to justify their reasoning.



There are so many things that I feel about this drama that it’s so hard to know where to begin.  Cho Seung Woo and Bae Doo Na, as Hwang Shi mok and Han Yeo Jin, respectively, has incredible chemistry as they seem to represent the opposite sides of the same coin.  As much as Hwang Shi Mok seems unemotional, Cho Seung Woo is still able to express so much emotion in the nuances of his performances in order for the viewer to understand his character.  As for the plot, the lines are blurred between good and evil, and other than our two main characters, it’s hard to pinpoint what people’s true motives are.  It’s also worth paying attention to the cinematography.  At first glance, there doesn’t seem anything unique about it but the beauty in its blandness, which gives it an indie noir vibe, and engulfs the viewer into their seedy world.  It goes without saying that the drama keeps you on your toes and literally leaves you on the edge of your seat for almost the whole ride.



Also riding off the success of Forest of Secrets, corruption seems to be a popular topic these days.  Not quite as cinematic as the former but still thrilling in its own way.  It’s Spotlight meets Forest of Secrets meets an action movie.  Considering that I’ve seen Nam Goong Min play a villain before, I’ve noted that there is a coldness in how he plays Han Moo Young.  However, it’s important that he does have a warm and fuzzy side except that he not totally comfortable showing it which makes him all the more adorable.


THE KING LOVES – 왕은 사랑한다

Pre-produced and in line with the series of youth sageuks we’ve been seeing these days, the drama provides the setup for the love triangle right from the get-go.  I love that Wang Won (Im Shi Wan) and Wang Rin (Hong Jong Hyun) are so vastly different in personality and that Eun San (Im Yoon Ah) is plucky and her own woman.  The thing I found frustrating about them is their gungho attitude and lack of foresight, especially after being duped for the umpteenth time.  The overall plot is predictable and the cinematography is beautiful as it typical of these dramas but unpredictably, I think the drama has a nice book-ended ending.



Yeo Jin Goo can be paired up with a brick wall and still manage to have chemistry with it.  I did worry about what his chemistry with Lee Yeon Hee would be like because of their age difference but there’s a childlike innocence to Lee Yeon Hee that seems to be on level with Yeo Jin Goo.  Having said that, it’s hard for me to pinpoint in words what it was about this drama that just didn’t captivate me.  The cast is quite lovely but they are all very much been there, done that.  The drama is chock full of cute and sad moments but neither the story nor does the cast attain a level beyond conventional which is disappointing.



I’ll admit that Strongest Deliveryman is another conventional drama but it’s got a nice warm message at the end of the day.  Really, this drama was a test for Go Kyung Pyo and Chae Soo Bin to see if they are able to carry a drama as leads as Choi Kang Soo and Lee Dan Ah, respectively.  Despite the ratings, I think they are talented and have a decent amount of star power.  Having said that, Kim Sun Ho and Go Won Hee stole the show as the second leads as we watched the rollercoaster ride of their quirky romance.  So much so that I am completely happy that Jang Mi Kwan and Lee Yul Eum were replaced a few days before filming was about to begin.  Especially with Kim Sun Ho, I marveled at how he had a lighthearted touch approach to the chaebol character, Oh Jin Gyu.  It’s not that Jin Gyu isn’t spoiled but he’s never been giving a chance to work an honest day in his life.  Despite the abuse he takes from his dad, he seems to have a happy-go-lucky attitude and tries to take life one day at a time and achieve happiness in the easiest way possible.  His character is the one that seems to go through the most character change and Kim Sun Ho is simply a delight to watch.


SAVE ME – 구해줘

Clearly, I didn’t read the premise for this drama before watching it.  I was looking for a good action-thriller and the trailer got me intrigued enough to start watching it.  I had assumed that it might be a ghost story after seeing Ok Taecyeon and Lee David like a spookier version of Let’s Fight Ghost but what I got was a lot more chilling than I originally bargained for.  Set in the small town of Mooji, it a group of young unemployed kids who help their fellow classmate from a religious cult.  Baek Jung Ki (Jo Sung Ha) is the religious leader and the terrifying thing about him is whether he believe in all that he is saying or if it is all a con on his part.  There are moments when the pace of the story gets a little slow but there’s a whole world that this drama creates beyond the cult’s compounds including a reason for how they were able to get away with their deeds for so long.  Beyond scary ghost stories, there is nothing scarier than someone who is able to manipulate another person with their faith.



Unlike the other American drama series that have been remade, this was one in which I didn’t watch the original.  So I can say that I got bored watching it.  In fact, each case was dark and thrilling… and horrifying.  Episodically though, I did find the pacing of the series odd.  The show feels like an American drama and yet the episodic stories are edited in a way that may not necessarily wrap up in one or two complete episodes, beginning to end.  That way, the following week, there is a brand new story.  Instead a story may end mid-episode and I suppose that was done to have viewers coming back to get to the conclusion of the previous episode but leaves little time to take in the case that was previously wrapped up.  Each case ends with a famous quote and I could never sit to let that quote sink in and the meaning of that quote in connection with the case before it ramped up into new case.  One of the most powerful cases in the series was that of the road rage killer.  Jo Han Chul is thoroughly creepy and he is so effective at depicting Jang Ki Tae’s descent into madness but I couldn’t help but think that this would never happen in Korea due to the gun laws there.  It was this episode that made me go, “This is such an American story,” and then I remembered that this series and probably the episodes were adapted for the Korean version.  I’m not against what the show did as it was realistic but also wonder if a remade show needs to adapt the stories for their audience.  No judgement on that but food for thought.



I was expecting a lot from Kim Jae Joong’s first project post army.  The premise sounded simple enough.  However, right from the get-go, I just couldn’t get past how annoyed I was over Bong Pil (Kim Jae Joong).  The reason you never got the girl next door, literally Kang Soo Jin (Uee), is because you could never admit your feelings aloud to her.  Despite all the wacky situations Bong Pil faces and the excuses he comes up with, the biggest obstacle between Bong Pil and Soo Jin is Bong Pil.  As for Jang Mi Kwan, I’m thankful that Kim Sun Ho took over the role of Oh Jin Gyu in Strongest Deliveryman (see above) but this role seems like a copy and paste of the last role he played in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon.



The main theme of the drama seems to be a reminder of the Hippocratic oath but in this time-travelling, medical fantasy, it was interesting to see that alternative medicine (i.e. acupuncture) being pitted against modern medicine.  I’m used to see Kim Nam Gil in more serious roles so it was such a delight to witness his other side.  I even felt that he had decent chemistry with Kim Ah Joong.  Overall, the drama is paced well and is very enjoyable.



The drama is a short 8 episode run but the cast is full of up and coming actors, such as Seo Young Joo and Yeo Hoe Hyun.  I am concerned that WJSN’s Bona might face the same curse as other Answer Me series actresses as she completely relatable and compelling in this drama but I hope she succeeds.  Also of note, talent does run in the family as Chae Seo Jin (Kim Ok Bin’s younger sister) is convincing as the sweet progressive thinking Park Hye Joo.  The drama has a bit of melo and a bit of romcom so there’s something here for everyone.  Park Hye Joo’s loveline with Joo Young Choon (CNBLUE’s Lee Jong Hyun) is melodrama while Lee Jung Hee’s (Bona) loveline with Bae Dong Moon (Seo Young Joo) is a romantic comedy.  The cinematography is gorgeous and the drama’s soundtrack (not just OST’s that were released) is to die for.  The story is a classic coming-of-age story about teenagers but set in 1979’s Daegu.  Think Sunny meets Taxi Driver (the recent movie starring Song Kang Ho).  It’s about innocence lost and figuring how to become your own person.  Don’t think that this drama is solely about the youth as it is juxtaposed with different adult plotlines.  The drama might be set in 1979 but the themes are still relevant today.



Initially, I was drawn into the drama’s delicate exquisiteness.  The philosophical thoughts on life and love with characters who seemed thoughtful and pragmatic.  I enjoyed watching the cinematography as scenes turned to black and white in order to highlight decisive moments in the drama, like a thespian giving a dramatic pause.  However, as the drama wore on, I grew tired of the dull pace of the drama.  Nothing much happens in the drama and it relies too much on the narrative device to explain the underlying themes of the drama.  I could see what the writer was trying to do but I don’t think it worked out so well for television.  For lack of a better explanation, these characters think too much and rarely act which gets pretty old fast.  The temperature of love based on this drama feels cool and temperate.



As far as trendy dramas go, it knew what it needed to do.  Popular cast who had great chemistry with each other, the story had enough mystery and intrigue, a great soundtrack, beautiful cinematography and the characters had a superpower that they tried to use to their advantage.  I didn’t watch I Can Hear Your Voice but somehow it seems like another version of that in this drama at least for Lee Jong Suk.  Even with its predictability, the drama overall is quite enjoyable.



For another drama that had very thoughtful and pragmatic characters, I have to admit that I wanted to approach this one very cautiously.  However, I was delighted to find another great coming-of-age drama, this time with 30-somethings.  All three couples bring something new and unique to table when it comes to different types of relationships, the couple who are married out of convenience, the couple who have been together for 7 years, and the casual couple.  I know that many women loved watching the Woo Soo Ji (Esom) character as she navigated through tough situations of harassment in the workplace to asserting herself as the alpha-female in her relationship with Ma Sang Goo (Park Byung Eun).  Soo Ji definitely rocked.  Also, as much as I wanted to roll my eyes at Yang Ho Rang (Kim Ga Eun) and Shim Won Suk’s (Kim Min Suk) relationship, I love how the actors were able to expand on their characters as the drama went on because they both were able to get me to sympathize with their positions.  I love how the drama brings out a rollercoaster of emotions when you least expect it and it’s because you can easily relate to all of the characters in some way.


WITCH’S COURT – 마녀의 법정

The really great thing about watching Jung Ryeo Won play a tough, sassy prosecutor and Yoon Hyun Min as a strict, straight-laced prosecutor is that they’re both so good at it.  I love the back and forth between our leads.  I was also intrigued that the team that they were on was a sexual crimes unit as it just seems timely.  The unfortunate thing is that I grew tired of watching case after case that were formulaically similar but that the overarching story was predicatible.  The drama dropped so many hints that it was hard not to see where the plot was going.  Having said that, I did enjoy watching the drama as the whole cast is great and the themes of sexual assault seemed timely.


MAD DOG – 매드독

With its zippy premise and the idea of David taking on Goliath story, I was quite intrigued by this drama.  Especially with Woo Do Hwan, as he’s the hot new thing these days.  Framing this caper within the world of insurance fraud is unique but frankly, I think Lookout did a better job of executing the story than this one.


20th CENTURY BOY AND GIRL – 20세기 소년소녀

It took me awhile to actually sit down and start this drama.  Not because I had any pre-conceived notions about it.  By binging the first few episodes, I enjoyed the cuteness of the drama and friendships depicted in it.  It was definitely easy to watch.  However, the original title of the drama was supposed to be No Sex in the City.  When I first heard that, I said to myself, ‘That sounds terrible, who would want to watch that?’  Well watching the relationships develop in this drama is like watching paint dry.  It takes so long for the drama to get there.  In terms of the main leads, I didn’t necessarily feel that Han Ye Seul and Kim Ji Suk had bad chemistry here.  Rather, they seemed better as friends more than anything else.



It also took me awhile to actually sit down and start watching this drama simply because I was watching so many other dramas at the time.  However, this is an easy drama to binge.  I loved the drama is about a tour group that goes to France and every person seems to have their own baggage that comes out during the vacation.  Jung Yong Hwa plays the clueless San Ma Roo who is an unintentional troublemaker and he’s hilarious at it.  Shot on location in France, the drama was completely pre-produced and I did like how the various stories of the vacationers unfolded.  Even though the drama didn’t rate very well while it was airing, I think it’s one of the dramas that many people could go back and watch and enjoy it.


BLACK – 블랙

Initially, the drama staffed worried that because Song Seung Heon is a grim reaper that people would make comparisons with Goblin.  There is nothing to worry about as it is nothing like Goblin.  The compelling thing about this drama is the mystery that Black (Song Seung Heon) needs to solve.  It’s quite complex and confusing at times but the drama does a good job of wrapping it up at the end.  Song Seung Heon is funny with his dry wit.  Unfortunately, I really didn’t like Go Ah Ra here as her character felt unnecessary for most of the drama.  She often plays the same type of characters in a lot of her dramas but her constant whining was very off-putting.  Go Ah Ra is just one of those actresses who thrives with great writing but fails miserably when her characters don’t have much depth.




I know that this drama had ended a while ago but I am struggling through it.  Three episodes in and I had already come to conclusion that I hated all three main characters and they wouldn’t be able to redeem themselves.  There is nothing revolutionary about the chaebol, Byun Hyuk (Choi Shi Won).  Kwon Je Hoon (Gong Myung) is contemptible in his constant berating of the people around him.  Sometimes the berating is deserved but his one-note character lacks imagination.  Baek Joon (Kang So Ra) is your typical underdog trying to do good.  Like Go Ah Ra, Kang So Ra shines when she’s given characters with depth but she often is asked to play the same type of character over and over again that it gets tiresome.  I’m up to Episode 10 now and I hope it doesn’t take me 10 years to finish the remaining episodes.


MY GOLDEN LIFE – 황금빛 내 인생

While I not usually into weekend family dramas, as I find the stories a bit soap opera-ish, I like to check them out every now and again.  The first thing that drew me to this was the cast and their characters are all so likable which is important for a drama with a  big cast.  In a nutshell, one of the main stories features a girl, Seo Ji Ahn (Shin Hye Sun), who just wants to support her poor family and then discovers that she’s the long, lost daughter of a chaebol family.  She joins that family and then discovers that her mother had lied and it is actually her sister, Seo Ji Soo (Seo Eun Soo), who is the chaebol family’s real daughter.  However, during her time with that family, she grown close to the family’s son, Choi Do Kyung (Park Shi Hoo).  Despite the fact that subject matters sounds heavy, I like that the drama doesn’t dwell in weighty emotions nor does it deal with the matter facetiously.  Certainly, we’re about two-thirds of the way through and the story has gotten much more complex than that.  Ultimately the drama is about family and what familial duties mean in a chaebol household versus a poorer household.  Every time Saturday rolls around, I literally can’t wait to get out of bed so that I could watch the next installment.  It’s easy to see why this is the top rated drama at the moment.

Preliminary Rating

TWO COPS – 투깝스 

I was so glad to see Kim Sun Ho in this drama after enjoying his performance immensely in Strongest Deliveryman. I do think his character had more layers in Strongest Deliveryman but he’s still enjoyable to watch in this drama.  To add to that, Jo Jung Suk really has both characters down pat and I really love watching his switch between Cha Dong Tak and Gong Soo Chang.  The real shame of the drama is the way its written as the story seems to jump all over the place.  Just the week before last, the drama ended on one note between our 3 main characters with a very climactic ending note.  Then it resumed last week where the story took a completely different and unexpected turn in a new direction.  I definitely care about our main characters but not so much with the overall storyline so the drama’s plotline needs some work in trying to make me to care about why their investigating what their investigating.  What would be the point of watching our main leads if I don’t care about what’s driving them to do what they do?

Preliminary Rating


From the people who brought us the Answer Me series, this drama takes place in a prison and all the characters that one could come across here.  Similar in tone with the Answer Me series, the drama brings out comedy mixed with heartwarming moments.  In some ways, I think this drama has an Orange is the New Black vibe to it except that it takes place in a male prison and the hero is someone whom the viewers see as innocent.  Kim Je Hyuk (Park Hae Soo) is a Nexen baseball pitcher who is suddenly sent to prison for the crime of aggressive assault.  When he arrived at his sister’s home, he saw that his sister was in danger of being rape and tried to help her by attacking the guy who attacked her but because the court deemed it aggressive and unnecessary, he was sent to prison.  Despite his predicament, he seems to adjust to life in prison and is able to navigate the difficult situations that he experiences there.  The drama is filled with wacky cast of characters and if you loved While You Were Sleeping and Forest of Secrets, you’ll notice a few familiar faces.  Personally, my favorite character is Haerongie, aka Han Yang, played by Lee Kyu Hyung.  It took me a few minutes to notice him because he’s so vastly different here than in the last drama he was in.

Preliminary Rating

BAD GUYS: CITY OF EVIL – 나쁜녀석들: 악의 도시

Even though I always try to be wary of 2nd seasons and remakes, sometimes if the original work was so great and impactful, I want the reboot to be just as great.  Really, I was drawn initially by the fantastic cast.  I don’t remember the last time I saw Park Joong Hoon on television, he’s exclusively a film actor.  Add Joo Jin Mo and Ji Soo to the list and I was in.  It’s still early in the drama but I’m not entirely sure where the writer wants to take the story.  First, the bad guys concept in the first season was that they were all considered criminals in the eyes of the law.  That’s not necessarily true here as these guys are getting away with their bad deeds now.  Second, there’s one ultimate bad guy, Jo Young Gook (Kim Hong Pa), that our team is trying to bring down but the way they’re trying to do is so convoluted.  It’s not only confusing but I feel that it’s unnecessary.  The drama just kicked things up by several degrees in Episode 5 so I’m hoping that the plot won’t lose me but on the other hand, the action scenes (sometimes unnecessary for the plot development) are top notch.

Preliminary Rating


I know that Hwayugi got off to a really rocky start in terms of the production.  Considering the CG work, the fantasy-action sequences, I wish this drama wasn’t rushed to broadcast as this type of stuff takes a lot of time and energy to complete as they have to visually create the world of the drama.  It would be incredibly sad if the Hong Sisters’ vision on paper couldn’t be translated onto the screen simply because the production wasn’t given sufficient time to produce it.  Accidents and mistakes on screen are things that can be avoided.  As far as the drama goes, I like the cast and hoping that Lee Seung Gi’s first drama project after the army is going to be a great one.  The pros to a Hong Sisters drama is that the story is going to richly told with unique characters but I do worry about the pace and the last act of this drama as I found their last few projects to be a bit disappointing.  They always had a great start but the drama results would vary.

Preliminary Rating


Final Comments:

For those that have been with this blog, thank you for reading and thank you for all your support.  It’s been a great ride and I hope to return to blogging again one day when I have more time.  For those that discovered this blog recently, I hope the archive of reviews will help you in navigating the world of K-Drama and even K-Pop.  I’m not going to stop watching stuff and this website will continue to stay up.  Please feel free to email or tweet if you have any questions or if you need recommendations.  I’ll continue to use Twitter and Instagram to further my thoughts about dramas, movies and music and I hope that we can continue have an exchange on insights about our current obsessions.  As I always say, “Addiction loves company.”

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