My ID Is Gangnam Beauty K-drama Review
My ID Is Gangnam Beauty is the latest in a long line of makeover K-dramas. Given my overall distaste for the genre and my recent propensity for quitting dramas at the first ...
My ID Is Gangnam Beauty is the latest in a long line of makeover K-dramas. Given my overall distaste for the genre and my recent propensity for quitting dramas at the first ...
Another week, and more new K-drama premieres! This week was packed with a nice variety of genres, and the trifecta of What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim, Life on Mars, and ...
Whew, the new season of K-dramas is in full swing, and I took advantage of a holiday weekend to try out all of the whopping four new shows that aired last week: About Time, ...
My last post lamented the lack of any K-dramas to watch, but now that we’re heading into the summer season and the fresh romances that come with it, I’m feeling ...
You’ll notice I’ve been too lazy to post anything in about two months. But now, thanks to the complete and utter trash fire disguised as cleverness that was the ...
Ugggggggggggggggggggggh January. I just can’t. As someone who doesn’t winter well, I have this rule where I limit myself to a strict entertainment diet of romcoms ...
Ok, remember that K-drama slump that went on (and onnnn and onnnnnn)? I know I’ve cried wolf on this before, but this time I think I really, truly might have at least ...
Two months ago, I wrote about the massive drama slump I was facing. At the time, there were a handful of promising shows coming up, so I thought the slump would have to pass ...
Well, despite being in a deep and dreadful drama slump for several weeks (and getting increasingly bored with Bride of the Water God), I managed to rouse enough energy to try ...
I’ve already finished waaaaay more dramas this year than last year, but I’ve finally hit the first big drama slump of 2017. I’m watching exactly one drama ...
I started out last drama cycle with sooooooooo many shows on my list, but at the end of the day, I really only managed to finish two—Fight My Way and Suspicious Partner. Both ...
Back when My Secret Romance started, I was fully on board to watch it as sweet, fluffy nonsense (with some absurdly handsome Sung Hoon tossed in as a bonus). As it turns out, ...
Hi, hello, someone please toss me a life raft—I’m drowning in new K-dramas over here! Not only am I completely and totally in love with Suspicious Partner, but I also ...
Update: Full Suspicious Partner review Ji. Chang. Wook. Need I say more? Ever since Healer stole my heart, I’ve been waiting for him to star in another solid romance. ...