Upcoming Toronto Japanese Film Festival 2019
I know, I’ve been so remiss in writing lately. I have so many reviews in my head but I’ve just not processed any; however, I did want to mention the upcoming Toronto Japanese ...
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I know, I’ve been so remiss in writing lately. I have so many reviews in my head but I’ve just not processed any; however, I did want to mention the upcoming Toronto Japanese ...
Once I again, I bid you hello! It’s time for another movie review from me. I owe you a lot of reviews so here I am trying to make up for it. Since I’m such a fangirl and I’m ...
Hello once again! I am so back with movie Monday and I know it’s been so long since I posted a Korean movie but I’ll get through that eventually. Lately, I’ve been re kindling ...
My K Drama Year in Review -2018 As my blog is a victim of real life, this list is mostly for my benefit-for any one stumbling across my very quiet blog, if you have any ...
Las peliculas o dramas que no sean coreanos aclararán en su título si son japonesas o taiwanesas. Las que no tengan aclaración se da por sentado que son coreanas. Este blog ...
GONE ROGUE 2018 The best way to end the year is with the best concert (for me) with Amber Liu! I cannot begin to tell you how much fun we had this past Friday, December 7, ...
Almost exactly six years ago, I discovered my first K-drama. It was Coffee Prince, which I binge-watched in my pajamas over the course of Thanksgiving break. By the end, I was ...
Los estrenos de octubre no fueron pocos, los dejo aqui por si aún no se han enterado de alguno de ellos Tambien conocido como: Beauty Inside Género: Drama, Romance, Fantasía ...
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