What a year! Seriously, this year has been an emotional roller coaster. Some truly awesome stuff happened and then a few things that threw me for a serious loop that I had some difficulty dealing with. It was so tough that I had to take a few months break for my mental health. Then there was a whole month gone for taking care of my mommy with her severely broken ankle. Real life has finally taken a turn for the better, for which I am extremely grateful! I’m in a good place emotionally and my mommy is walking again on her own and all better! Despite all the real life stuff that took me away, I had a very good blog and drama year! I’m actually pretty proud of all the blogging that I did this year and just as proud of all the dramas I got to watch this year!
This year my little blog reached it’s third year! How cool is that! My first full year blogging (2014) was my best. I recapped ER Couple which brought an insane amount of views to the blog with its popularity. Not to mention that I blogged for the full year and didn’t need to take time off. It was also the year I introduced the Noona Meter! Wow I can’t believe it is three years old now! It still draws the most people to my blog, I’m so happy that I was able to create a tool that helps so many people! I am still working to keep the Noona Meter as up to date as possible so if you have any dramas that need to be added to the list please let me know. I want it to continue to be relevant for people seeking dramas with a Noona Romance story.
First I want to take a look at my blog itself. I wrote a total of 62 posts including this one. For me that’s huge! I owe part of my success to the 30 Day Asian Drama Challenge! Thirty posts in all for thirty days. I absolutely loved that! It was so hard and challenging to commit to writing a post every day, but man I am so glad that I did it! I plan on doing another 30 Day Asian Drama Challenge in 2017, so if you want to collaborate with me to write the questions please let me know. When I look back on the posts that I’ve written this year there are a few that stand out to me. This is the first year that I managed to write mega detailed and in dept reviews. My first was for Age of Youth, if you haven’t seen this drama you really need to! It is brilliant! It is the first drama that I have rated above a 9, ever! The second was for Love O2O, which was just pure romantic fluff.
All in all, at the time of writing this post I had 30,268 Views and 12,995 actual visitors. I cannot truly describe how humbled I am that so many people took time from their busy lives to check out my little corner of the blogsphere! Honestly, thank you for coming around and reading! To go with that I had 125 likes and 165 comments this year! Wow! All of you that like what I do enough to chat with me about it are amazing and I adore you!
There were a lot of ways that people found their way to my blog. My top referrer was Facebook, I guess I’ll keep using it for advertising posts! Then Skimmed Milk Drama was the top blog of my drama friends that brought people here, thank you chingu! In return my blogroll sent more people to Obsessive Compulsive K-Drama Watching Disorder. The top search term which directed people here was various forms of noona romance dramas. Isn’t that super cool! The funniest search term that drew people to my place was Park Shin Hye always cries. And finally I ended the year with 153 followers! I feel unbelievably lucky for all the awesomeness that happened with my blog in 2016!!
Not only did I have a pretty darn good blogging year, I am pretty happy with how I spent my drama watching hours too. I completed 31 dramas this year! Wow!! That is nearly double my number from any other year! Of the dramas that I did complete I was mostly pleased with about 90% of them. There were only a few dramas that I watched to the bitter end that I wished I hadn’t. Which is way better than what I’ve managed in past years. Of the dramas that I watched my absolute favorite was Age of Youth, honestly it is my all time favorite drama I have ever watched. The other dramas that I thoroughly enjoyed were Love O2O, Boss & Me, Witch’s Romance, Healer, 1% of Something, I Remember You, Noble My Love, High End Crush, and Full House (Thai).
I dropped 9 dramas this year and put 2 others on hold. For me that’s a huge number! I don’t normally drop or put dramas on hold. I stick it out until the very bitter end! However, I didn’t waste my drama watching hours like that this year. I was much better at letting go at the first moment I realized that watching the drama was painful or felt like a chore. The best example of that was Cheese in the Trap. This was also my biggest drama disappointment of the year. The premise of the drama was fresh and new and I could read along with the web manga too! But man, the show producers and directors totally screwed the pooch in my opinion. They portrayed the lead guy as a dangerous psychopath instead of cold and distant and I couldn’t invest any feelings in him. Also, I learned that it was ok to let go even if I was close to finishing a drama. Like what happened with A Girl & Three Sweethearts. I loved the premise, the writing, the chemistry and it was a Noona Romance! But at the last second it went to crud and unnecessary drama reared its ugly head and I let it go.
What a truly awesome drama year! I wanted to watch a lot of dramas this year but not waste hours since drama watching hours are sometimes hard to come by. I think I did pretty good. Looking back on my blog and dramas I am really very happy with how it all went down. I think 2017 will just be even better! Thank you to all who have stopped by this year and joined me here in my corner of the blogverse, I wouldn’t be having this much fun without all of you!!!