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2016: Happy Holidays!!

AdminDecember 26, 2016

Happy Holidays to all my Drama Friends and Family!!

This time of year always makes me remember why I am so happy that I joined the Dramaland and Blogverse!  Regardless of what life is throwing at me I always take time during the holidays to celebrate what I have, my family, and my friends!

As part of my celebrations today I wanted to take a moment to say what I am thankful for here in Dramaland and the Blogverse!

tumblr_n932c5pfxo1sdxvjao5_250First and foremost I’m thankful for the friends I’ve made since I first started to poke around the blogverse. Even before I’d built The Drama Noona, I was lurking around a few blogs. Lurking turned to commenting and commenting turned to animated and fun squee sessions. Then I made my own blog and the conversations grew and grew! Not to mention the fact that the squee spilled over to twitter and facebook and even tumblr. There was squee all over the place!

These virtual friendships have taken many forms and I adore them all. Some have created great collaborations, others have participated in video squee sessions, and others have just been through emails and comments on blogs. They are all phenomenal and enrich my life! I am so thankful for all the folks I’ve met! Thank you guys for being there to squee with!

Also I want to take a moment to thank these friends here in Dramaland for always being around when I an desperate need of someone to talk to.  This year has brought some challenges that I was unprepared for… that threw me for a serious and frightening loop.  There was always someone around to talk to and willing to help me get a handle on things.  I cannot tumblr_nfnjgfqpgt1s4kkago2_250accurately describe how thankful I am for all of you who took time out of your busy days to help me!

Dramas! The glue that binds us fangirls and fanboys together! Without the amazingness that are Asian Dramas I wouldn’t have met all my blogverse friends!  I always find new dramas that I love and then I find friends who also love these dramas and the love and squees multiply and it makes watching dramas so much more fun.

Lastly, I want to do a shout out to my fellow Bloggers in the Blogverse!  I am constantly inspired by the amount of creativity that I see here.  The fanfiction stories, the recaps (which take so much energy, I am in awe of you who do that all the time!), reviews, drama related rambles, and music stuff.  I always find something that makes me think of new ways to invigorate my own blog and entertains me!  I adore all of you guys for all of your hard work keeping your blogs running!  You guys are freaking awesome and keep the phenomenal work up!

I hope that this holiday sees all my friends and family receiving love, happiness, and good health!  I have had a most wonderful holiday and I am extremely thankful for the good things in my life.  My son said to me today after opening his presents, “Mama, I love my presents but I love you more.”  Honestly, that’s all I need.  That statement made me so proud of the little man he’s becoming and happy that he holds the true sentiment of this season in his heart.  And so I turn to all of you my friends and say to you, Presents are amazing, but my friendship with you is so much better!  May you have lots of love in your holiday and lots of happiness in your heart!!

And!  Here’s a delicious gif of Choi Jin Hyuk as a present for all of you!


all gifs credited to owners

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