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진짜?!: Joo Ji Hoon and Bae Doo Na consider Netflix’s first Kdrama

AdminSeptember 16, 2017

Netflix is courting Bae Doo Na and Joo Ji Hoon to star in its first original Kdrama, “Kingdom”. Joo Ji Hoon was offered the lead role of the Joseon crown prince after Song Joong Ki turned it down. Bae Doo Na already has a working relationship with Netflix, having starred in their science fiction series, “Sense8”.

Netflix has scored the screenwriter behind “Signal”, Kim Eun Hee to pen “Kingdom”. The eight episode series is slated to start shooting the Joseon era zombie story in October, but is not expected to be released on Netflix until late 2018.

The possible pairing of Joo Ji Hoon and Bae Doo Na has me very excited. In the rather chaste world of Kdramas, both actors manage to exude the heat one would expect from grown adults. Unfortunately, “Kingdom” does not sound like a romance, but since Bae Doon Na’s role has yet to be defined, hope springs eternal.

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